Let them eat cake…cookies!

Red Velvet & White Chocolate Chip Cookies

These cookies are reminiscent of the southern Red Velvet Cake, easily made with few ingredients. The light, fluffy texture is sure to satisfy any Red Velvet lover!



  • Package of Red Velvet Cake Mix
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 1/3 cup Vegetable Oil
  • 1 – 2 tbsp. Milk
  • 1 cup White Chocolate Chips



  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°.
  2. In a large mixing bowl combine cake mix, egg, and vegetable oil using a fork or spoon. The mixture may be very thick, so add the one to two tablespoons of milk until all cake mix has been incorporated.
  3. Stir in white chocolate chips.
  4. On a greased cookie sheet, place generous spoonfuls of the cookie dough about one and a half inches apart.
  5. Bake for 8 to 9 minutes, then remove from oven and allow to cool.

Optional Step:

For more strategical and decorative placement of white chocolate chips in the cookies, bake cookies for four minutes, pull them out of the oven and push the white chocolate chips into the half-baked cookies as desired. I personally pushed each chip in point-side down to leave the circular base of the chip exposed on on top of the cookies. (See next photo.)

Half-baked cookies after strategically placing white chocolate chips.


Recipe Review:

My friends and I all agree that these cookies are amazing. We may be biased because we all love red velvet cake though. The cake based dough is what really sets these cookies apart by making them very soft and fluffy. Leave a comment to let me know what you thought of them!

The finished cookie.




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