the blogger.

IMG_9524Josh Quinn is currently a college student, at Texas State University, growing and developing design, photography, and public relations skills to prepare for an amazing future in a media enriched world. Josh is a Texas native from San Antonio. His upbringing was heavily influenced and shaped by his family, culture, religion, and surrounding community.

As a college senior, Josh is majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Photography. Josh hopes to use these areas of study in the future to do research in mass media over the way our current American society uses and is shaped by visual messages. Josh also brings a social justice lens to this research by being an active student leader on campus. Josh is a member of the organization Interruptions, a Multi-Racial Anti-Racism Peer Educator Group, and is a student facilitator for Allies of Texas State, an organization focusing on educating the Texas State and San Marcos community about the LGBQTIA community and how to provide a safe space as an Ally. Josh expresses his passions, feelings, and emotions through various art forms including sculpture, photography, graphic design, writing, and by combining these mediums into new intergrated art.

Josh will be applying to grad school to work toward a Masters of Education in Student Affairs in Higher Education in the near future.

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